The School of Socialtecture empowers you to envision, design and make places for life. 



The School of Socialtecture is for everyone who creates, shapes, influences city life: architects, urban designers, decision makers in urban development, project developers, foundations, NGOs. You win insights and new skills for planning, designing and making valuable, socially sustainable places. 

What do I take away?

Experience vuja dé: Gain a new, inspiring perspective on architecture and urban living. You and your team will be able to envision, design, and create cities, districts, neighborhoods, and buildings from life's perspective. See familiar things in a new light. 

Expand your scope: Find new, unexpected solutions by thinking social first, architecture second. Sharpen your understanding and your decisions by  understanding the impact of the unbuilt environment. 

Grow your network: Connect with like-minded people who want to foster good places and spaces. Socialtecture is about the essentials of life and recognizing humans as social beings. This is the foundation we build upon to grow a great community together.

Shape the future: You will be better prepared for upcoming challenges. Let's face it: The status quo is not an option. It's climate crunch time. It's about uniting, not drifting further apart. Socialtecture will open up new ways for you to develop relevant places and spaces for the future.

You are welcome as an individual or as a group!

Socialtecture is like singing.
We can all do it!
In the School of Socialtecture, you learn how to master your voice of life to shape our built and non-built environment. 

2024 programme

Please note that only published projects are visible in the portfolio grid.


School of Socialtecture
c/o JES Socialtecture GmbH & Co. KG
Hammer Deich 26-34, 20537 Hamburg
F. +49 40 46 00 60 66

